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Strategic Planning Workshops

Planning for the future with a proven methodology and a professional suite of tools.

The Strategic Planning Workshop is designed to give organizations, business units, departments or teams a crystal clear path for the future. It uses a suite of professional tools techniques and methodologies enabling teams to complete this process more robustly, and in a shorter time frame.

It is ideal for groups who could benefit from an external facilitator to assist their brainstorming and/or those that need strategic planning processes to assist them to develop a high quality plan.

Often people in organizations cannot “see the forest for the trees” and require a third party to assist them who is independent from their group. Such a person can add analytical feedback to the existing ideas and help clarify critical issues — bringing them into sharper focus. This often motivates an organization, elevating it to a higher level of performance.

This Workshop is designed for organisations who may have one (or more) of the following needs to:

  1. Create a clear plan for the future
  2. Align their operations for maximum performance
  3. Create a clear vision for people to follow
  4. Gain consensus with their management team
  5. Motivate their people
  6. Leverage resources and capabilities
  7. Create momentum
  8. Create a more strategic culture
  9. Undergo a formal review

Who Should be Involved?

The senior members of the team, business unit, department or organisation, and as many other stakeholders as they deem appropriate.

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Review (or create) a vision that will inspire the organisation
  2. Create a clear plan or roadmap to achieve the vision
  3. Educate participants on how the Strategic Planning process is best managed
  4. Highlight challenges and barriers to the proposed plan
  5. Ensure that the strategic plan is able to be implemented successfully

Workshop Deliverables:

The deliverables of each Workshop are agreed upon prior to undertaking the program and are typically:

  1. A formally-written plan that can be followed by everybody in the team, business unit, department or organisation
  2. Clarification (or identification) of a clear vision that will genuinely inspire people
  3. The creation of clear objectives
  4. The development of key performance indicators
  5. Identification of the challenges and obstacles to the plan
  6. Advice on implementation issues

Workshop Duration:

This workshop can be delivered over one or two days, or longer depending on the overall brief, pre-work, number of people involved and agreed deliverables.

Benefits of the Workshop:

I want to register for this Program. Please send me details of the next available event, nearest to where I live.

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“Having a clear plan that made sense to my people made a huge difference to their motivation and performance.”